IM2 8434
IM2 8448
IM2 8445
keep pedalling but let the bike g-out as the surface direction changes.
Approach the compression and stand up in fourth gear
IM2 8434
the bike should follow where you were looking, look ahead outside of the corner, keep leaning the bike inwards a bit.
Riasing your outside elbow will improve your body positioning and keep the bike moving in a corner, look where you want to go with your eyes and head...
Exit the corner with the power always on and flow into the next corner...
Stand up on the pedals and lean the bike over a bit with your body leaning to the outside of the corner.
Its all about how you enter the corner, keep the bike loose and take the corner wide

IM2 8434 im Album Uphill Ebike Technique Mit Mario Schuter

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25.05.2017, 16:47
25.05.2017, 10:34
News 2017
Uphill Ebike Technique Mit Mario Schuter
Canon EOS 7D
1/400 s ƒ/4.5 22 mm ISO 1600

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