The owner of the Cyclismo Cafe is Swedish, she saw a gap in the market and starteed up this bike related business
Mehr Fotos im Album "Motostrano Bike Shop California":
IMG 7238
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The owner of the Cyclismo Cafe is Swedish, she saw a gap in the market and starteed up this bike related business
Drink your coffee, program  the future and fix your bike!
IMG 7216
IMG 7215
IMG 7213
A community of workers, many of them bikers as well, places like this are where different worlds meet

The owner of the Cyclismo Cafe is Swedish, she saw a gap in the market and starteed up this bike related business im Album Motostrano Bike Shop California

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28.04.2017, 06:51
27.04.2017, 22:31
News 2017
Motostrano Bike Shop California
Canon EOS 7D
1/6400 s ƒ/5.6 10 mm ISO 1600

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