We tried to puncture this tyre by crashing it into rocks and square corners, we tried really hard, with no respect for rim or tyre, yet we managed nothing. The tyre resisted well.
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We tried to puncture this tyre by crashing it into rocks and square corners, we tried really hard, with no respect for rim or tyre, yet we managed nothing. The tyre resisted well.

We tried to puncture this tyre by crashing it into rocks and square corners, we tried really hard, with no respect for rim or tyre, yet we managed nothing. The tyre resisted well. im Album Michelin Press Event 2017 Cannes

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15.03.2017, 08:05
14.03.2017, 14:31
News 2017
Michelin Press Event 2017 Cannes
GoPro HERO5 Black
1/800 s ƒ/2.8 3 mm ISO 100

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